Nina Technologies
Centre for Entrepreneurship
GR1T Motorcycles
Navigator Digital
NavInvest Cyprus
NavInvest Greece
Nina Technologies
Numenor Capital
Nina is an intelligent ordering system for live order placement and payments at hotels, restaurants, cafes, bars and other venues.
By installing and configuring our QR code system, HORECA customers can order instantly, without waiting for a menu and ordering process.
More than just a static menu: Nina integrates with most point-of-sale systems, enabling multiple payment options:
Pay Waiter
Pay Online
Charge to Room
Charge to Account
In addition to the table ordering system, Nina is adding a range of payment and data services, including:
Waitstaff Ordering System: Guests and Waitstaff can now use the same system
Nina Pay: Integration with credit card processing systems, enabling order taking, payment, charging and receipts on a single device.
In addition Nina offers a range of additional services, including order-taking, analytics, and more.
This functionality enables food service productivity to increase substantially. By cutting down on time spent waiting to receive the menu and order, and also by payment times, everyone benefits:
Guests can order quickly without hassle - Nina also supports multi-lingual menus, allowing you to communicate more effectively;
Wait staff can focus on getting the order to the guest and making sure guests are comfortable and satisfied - Nina includes an on board tipping system;
Food service managers and owners can keep track of venue performance as well as configure unique venues and events for rapid service.
In 2023, Nina was installed at 30 premium venues in Cyprus. In 2024, we will be expanding internationally.
Navigator Consulting supports Nina and is currently raising a seed round of € 300,000.